Sunday, December 20, 2009

Oh wow...

Wow, it has been a month since I have updated this! Yikes. Work has been really busy lately. I went up to 30 hours at one of part time jobs, and I am doing 15-20 at the other. DH has still been working the overtime, so life has just been crazy. I have five whole days coming up of vacation, so I am psyched. I need to get caught up on my cleaning and finance planning.

Good things that have been happening
-Our 401ks are at a combined balance of $14,126 right now, so we hit the 14K mark for the year. YAY! I am so happy over this. Next year, we are going to put in at least $8K. Barring a huge market downturn, we will hopefully hit $22K.
-All of the Christmas shopping is done! I stayed within $100 of my budget, but DH went over budget on buying for me $300. I have no clue what he bought since it isn't Christmas, but he worked extra hours to make up for it. Thanks DH :)
Debt Update

Start 8/15 18-Dec Difference
Sallie Mae 12762 12305 457
Well Fargo 11700 11150 550
Chase 2353 2190 163
Chase 2 2300 2353 -53
Chase 3 1710 1586 124
BOA 9300 9140 160
BOA 2 1833 2300 -467
Credit UnionCard 700 567 133
Car Loan 7875 6600 1275
Car Loan 2 2090 0 2090
Target 149 0 149
Campus Loan 8250 7800 450
Husband School 376 0 376
Capital One 376 0 376

61774 55991 5783

Since August 15th, we have paid off almost $6000. I am planning to use some of my 12/30 paycheck to make it $6000 even. The cards moving in the wrong direction were from DH's overspending, so this will be fixed once we get the paycheck with the overtime in it.

Chase hiked the rate up on all three of our cards by three percent, so I think I am going to focus on them first. I wanted the credit union card gone because it was so small, but the interest rate is so much lower. I don't know. Right now, I am focusing on Chase 3.


  1. Chase is in my cross-hairs at the moment too. Unfortunately, they also have one of my highest balances. Oh well - I cant wait for the day when they are gone. Great job on almost hitting $6k payoff in 4 months. That's GREAT progress!!

  2. Thanks! I too am counting down the days till all this credit card debt is GONE and for good. I calculated the amount of interest we spend yearly on credit card interest and it is just sickening!
