Wednesday, June 30, 2010

To Do List Before Baby Comes

So, there are a few things DH and I need to get accomplished before the baby comes in early January. A little bit is financial, but a lot of it is big cleaning/organizing jobs. Truth be told, the cleaning and organizing needs to be done ASAP, since a lot of it is stuff we have been putting off for a while.
1. Clean out and organize closet in bedroom.
2. Buy storage unit drawers for closet in bedroom: $30
3. Clean out all bathroom cabinets and organize
4. Clean grout in bathrooms with toothbrush
5. Steam clean all furniture
6. Clean out dressers and donate unneeded clothes
7. Clean all windows in house
8. Organize kitchen cabinets
9. Clean out coat closet
10. Steam clean rug
11. Clean out my trunk
11. Pay off my car
12. Pay off Chase card

I have been BEYOND irritable lately. Thankfully, since I work from home now, I don't get a huge chance to take this out on humans! :) It's just the littlest things on TV shows or on message boards irritate me to no end. I am chalking it up to pregnancy hormones, since by the time DH gets home, I feel sane again.
Speaking of DH, there is a good chance DH will get to go to first shift before the baby comes! He is on second shift now, and I would LOVE for him to get on first. I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything materializes and it actually happens.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Early update for the 4th

Our update this pay period is kind of blah. We has a lot of payments for stuff we don't race, but is necessary-mortgage payment, doctor payment, car insurance, Chase repay (ick!).

Start 1-Jul
Sallie Mae 12762 12145
Wells Fargo 11700 10950
Campus Loan 8250 7475
Chase 2
2300 1380
Credit Union Card 700 680
9300 8641
1833 2142
Car Loan
7875 4313
Chase 3
1710 0
2353 0
Car Loan 2 2090 0
149 0
DH School 376 0
Capital One 376 0

61774 47726
We are now at $14, 048. We have a whole $45 worth of progress from our last update, LOL. DH gets three paychecks this month instead of the usual two, so this will be a good month, even if we are off to a slow start.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have felt pretty down today, which leads me to remember one downfall of just doing my contract work-no paid sick days. I am just plain out tired, with a headache and nausea. I am cooking a tenderloin roast for DH's dinner, and the smell is making me so nauseous! I am irritated with myself because I have not done as much work as I wanted to today. I think I am going to go try and eat something, take a nice long nap, and try to do some more work when DH gets home. It's my goal to be done with work when he is home, but that just won't work some days. He has a new game for his PS3 that he can play while I work, so I know he won't mind that! I just let myself get so down when things don't always go as planned, but I have to stop that. I need to learn to go with the flow and adapt when things don't always go my way.
I have my snack (Salt and Vinegar chips-so nutritious! Sorry baby), and I am just thinking about our goals for the rest of the year. Here are the goals I had set for the year and our current prognosis:
Financial Goals

Pay off Chase 3-1586-This card is now gone. I will continue to use this card for all expenses and pay it in full every month for rewards. This month is a struggle to pay it in full!
Pay off Chase-2190-This is at $1400. I think we can pay this off this year.
Pay off Chase 2-2353-This card is gone. Yay!
Pay off BOA 2-Now at 2142. I don't think we can pay this off this year.
Have BOA 1 card at $8000-Now at $8641. We are on track.
Have credit union card at $367-Now at $700. We will get this done.

Continue to pay student loans in a timely manner-Doing.
Pay $450 a month to my car-If I can do this, the balance will be $1777 by December 2010. I am now trying to pay this thing off completely. The balance is around $4200, so we should get this done by October.

Save $900 total in baby fund-This has been taken care of. DONE
Save $2100 total in emergency fund-have $300 (pathetic!), so $1800 more to go-We're at $100 again. I think $1000 is a more attainable goal. Sigh.
Save $630 for DH's crown in February-have $315, so $315 more to go.-Done. DH now has a new crown.:)

Leave 401 K and IRA contributions alone. If I do this, we should contribute around $8K to at least hit the $22K.-Actually increased these. Yay!

On the plus side, the car will be paid off. On the negative, BOA 2 will not be paid off and our EF will still be fairly low. Sigh. We HAVE to get out debt under $40 K by year end. We are at $47,771 right now, so $7772 to go, which is around $1295 worth of progress a month. We CAN do this.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No more job :)

My last day at my first job was Friday, so I am officially consulting full time now. My assignments for this week are unfortunately of the lower paying kind, but next week should yield some of the higher paying ones. Here is what I HAVE to make by June 30th, so I may be logging extra hours, depending on pay:
Lab bills:136
Living Expenses:315
Christmas savings:50
EF Savings:50
Total:551, in 9 days, I have already earned 71, so 480 left or 53 a day. Anything extra will be sent to the EF to get our savings up.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Quick Update

Apparently, I used a wrong figure the other night in my update, so our pay off is actually more than I had first thought.

Start 18-Jun
Sallie Mae 12762 12150
Wells Fargo 11700 10950
Campus Loan 8250 7475
Chase 2
2300 1400
Credit Union Card 700 700
9300 8641
1833 2142
Car Loan
7875 4313
Chase 3
1710 0
2353 0
Car Loan 2 2090 0
149 0
DH School 376 0
Capital One 376 0

61774 47771

We are now at $14,003 paid off! I am so glad to get over the $14K mark. Next up, $15K in July. DH has an extra paycheck in July, so I am shooting to get as close to the $16K mark as we can.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Update and Ramblings

Start 15-Jun
Sallie Mae 12762 12150
Wells Fargo 11700 10950
Campus Loan 8250 7475
Chase 2
2300 1400
Credit Union Card 700 700
9300 8641
1833 2142
Car Loan
7875 4357
Chase 3
1710 0
2353 0
Car Loan 2 2090 0
149 0
DH School 376 0
Capital One 376 0

61774 47815

We have now paid off $13,959. So close to the $14K mark it hurts!
I got three prenatal bills in the day, all for lab work, for a nice total of $156.75. I just paid $21 to it, so the bill is now at $136.75. The balance is due in 45 days, so that shouldn't be an issue. Since this counts towards my deductible, the amount I will owe the OBGYN might decrease. I am not positive if they will adjust the estimated amount or if they will just send me a check for the difference.
My last day at my first job is Friday. I am so excited to get to start my consulting as my full time job. It looks like the assignments I will be getting for next week will be paying at the upper end of the range, so that's a nice way to start things out.
I am 10 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and I think I am starting to show just a smidge. It's probably just bloat though, since it is so early. I haven't gained any weight though, so YAY for that.
Here is what I want to get paid/saved up for by June 30th:
Lab work bills: $136.75
Keep Chase on Repay Schedule
Hotel for August:$225
Nothing out of the ordinary, but you gotta stay focused!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Upcoming Expenses for the Year

I'm just trying to thing ahead financially as to what expenses we might have coming up. I know we will definitely have some prenatal expenses coming up. I will need to pay $263 to the OBYGYN by my 7th month of pregnancy to cover all my visits and the delivery of the baby. So, we definitely have some time for that, but it is something to consider. We are also going to the beach for a few days in August, so we will need to set aside money for the hotel and fun.

August 21st-$425-hotel, food, entertainment
September 15th:$200-Propane tank refill
October 20th:$263-Medical expense for OBGYN
December 1st: Christmas:$1500

Monday, June 7, 2010

I am going to go for it!

DH and I have talked and talked and talked. Tomorrow, I will be turning in my resignation at job number 1. I feel like such a huge weight has been lifted off me. I know time management will be key to making this work, so here is what I had in mind for a daily schedule, Monday-Friday.
10:00 AM:Wake up, shower and dress, breakfast, put in load of laundry, start Roomba vacuum cleaner
11:00 AM:One hour of work
12:00 PM:Take dog for walk, do dishes, 30 minutes of work
1:00 PM:One hour of work
2:00 PM:Free time, lunch
3:00 PM:Laundry, dust, vacuum furniture, 30 minutes of work
4:00 PM:Errand time/exercise, depending on the day
5:00 PM:One hour of work, snack
6:00 PM:Nap
7:00 PM:Nap
8:00 PM:One hour of work
9:00 PM: Dog walk, any cleaning that needs to be done
10:00 PM:One hour of work
11:00 PM:Start dinner for DH (he works second shift)
12:00 AM:Time with DH
1:00 AM:Time with DH
2:00 AM:Bed

I know I have a lot of house cleaning in there, but I would rather have too much than not enough. The nap is just being realistic, with me being so exhausted all the time with this pregnancy. I can squeeze for hours in if need be. The weekend schedule will probably change every week, but as long as I get my six hours a day in, I'm happy.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

To quit or not to quit?

Here I sit at 12:00 AM pondering a huge decision. I was already set to leave job number 1 when I have our baby in January. However, I am pondering quitting early. When I say early, I mean in the next month or so.
Job 1 has been awful lately. My boss is the biggest b*tch I have ever worked for, and considering some of my bosses, that is saying a lot. I am miserable there, so miserable. The environment is like a succubus that just sucks the life and joy out of you. One of my coworkers drives me to my last bit of compassion and I have just had it. I am so freaking tired of. I just started bawling today thinking about it this week.
DH told me if I was this stressed, that it isn't worth it. It isn't good for me or the baby, and I have to agree. If I decide to quit, my plan is to do my consulting work to make up for as much of the income as possible. The only issue is that the assignments I get for consulting vary in pay. There is a minimum that I know the pay will never drop under though.
I am just thinking things out:
If I do 6 hours of consulting work a day, or 42 hours a week, the minimum pay would be 294 a week, the maximum would be 630. I know, big difference huh? Here is what out budget would be at $294 a week, the minimum. This is also based on DH just working 40 hours a week. He has been working a TON of overtime lately, but I know better than to depend on that.
Hubbie 2405
Me 1264.2


Mortgage 855
Power 125
TV 130
Phone 80
BOA 200
1fbusa 200
Chase 30
Credit card 20
Car 285
Geico 80
H20 10
LifeIns. 10
food 400
gas 100
dates 100
misc. 100
cfnc 129
Sallie Mae 100
Wells Fargo 130
Campus Loan 80
Savings 200
Extra to debt 200


I think it could work. Of course, I pray I will get assignments that pay more than the minimum pay. Normally, the assignments pay more towards the mid end of the range, at least. But, I know we could do it on the minimum. I have just have to be disciplined and make sure I work that six hours EVERY day, without fail. I can do it at any time of the day, which helps out. Our debt paydown will be slow down, but I think at this point, I would be willing to accept it. Sigh. It all sounds so good on paper, but working up the courage to actually make the move is so scary.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Start 4-Jun
Sallie Mae 12762 12150
Wells Fargo 11700 10992
Campus Loan 8250 7526
Chase 2
2300 1400
Credit Union Card 700 700
9300 8724
1833 2169
Car Loan
7875 4884
Chase 3
1710 0
2353 0
Car Loan 2 2090 0
149 0
DH School 376 0
Capital One 376 0

61774 48545

We are now at $13,229 paid off. Our car loan is finally under $5K, so I am pretty excited about that. The other credit cards all went down. We use one Chase for all our expenses, then pay it in full, and let me tell you, it has been hard keeping it on the repay cycle because we spent to flippin' much in April and May. I am determined to do it though. I am tracking every penny out in June to make sure our spending gets back to more reasonable levels.
I still haven't been paid from my two week long pet sitting job I just did, which I am kind of irked about. I'll text the girl tomorrow and see if she can let me stop buy to get it or even mail it to me. I need my $$$!
I am nine weeks today, and still utterly exhausted. Everyone keeps telling me this will get better, so I am praying for the cleanliness of our house and our finances that they are right!
My mom bought us a crib and changing table when we told her because she was so excited. That means our two biggest purchases are done! For the rest of the stuff we need, I am going to wait till I have my shower to buy anything else.