Saturday, December 4, 2010

Goals for Next Year, Take 2

I've had a chance to talk to DH about our goals for next year. I have a few things to add, and a few more specifics to add. My itch has gotten better, so thankfully I have been able to back off the Benadryl. My head feels so much clearer now.

1. Increase retirement savings from 11% of household income to 13% of household income. We'll do this by increasing my IRA contributions $1200 next year ($100 a month) and by increasing DH's 401K contributions by 1 percent.
2. Pay off all consumer debt by December of 2011. In order to do this, we will need to pay $1520 (starting in January) a month to it, every single month. I think we can do this if we are a little more diligent about tracking our spending and reigning it in when our numbers get high
3. Start 529 plan for baby boy. I don't care if we only put $10 a month into it, I just want to get it started. DH said we should try put $25 a month into it. This is less than a dollar a day. If we do this, we will add $300 to it next year. Not a huge start, but a start, none the less.
4. Have $3,000 saved in emergency fund by year end
5. Track our spending every single month and stay within budget guidelines

1. Lose all baby weight, plus 25 pounds
2. Go out on one baby free date with DH every two weeks. I want to make sure we make time for each other and our relationship. I don't want to be on those couples where everything falls apart after having a baby-you know, the ones who never go out together any more, never have intimate time together, don't communicate. Relationships require work to keep both partners happy, and I imagine this is even more true when things change a lot in a short time (ie. having a baby!).

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