Thursday, May 20, 2010


Yay! I am super excited to say that tomorrow, I will be 7 weeks pregnant. We are absolutely thrilled. My doctor's appointment is Monday and we should get to see the little bean on ultrasound. This makes debt paydown and savings all the more important. I have an estimated due date right now of January 7th, so we have a little under 8 months to burn some debt away and build some savings.

Stupid me put the wrong number for how much the balance of my Wells Fargo loan was last month, so my payoff amount this month is extremely low because I had to adjust the balance.

Start 20-May
Sallie Mae 12762 12156
Wells Fargo 11700 10992
Campus Loan 8250 7526
Chase 2
2300 1450
Credit Union Card 700 709
9300 8724
1833 2169
Car Loan
7875 5334
Chase 3
1710 0
2353 0
Car Loan 2 2090 0
149 0
DH School 376 0
Capital One 376 0

61774 49060
Our total paid off amount is now $12,714. I will have one more payment this month to the Chase card. I would like to pay at least $200, but I am not sure just yet how much I will have. I don't think we'll be able to get the debt down to $48,578 like I had wanted, so that bites. I think $48,900 is realistic, so that is what I am setting the bar at. I have already set up an auto transfer to get our savings at $400.
DH and I had a talk, and we decided that we will start paying down the car quicker than anticipated. The car has the biggest monthly payment and getting that payment gone would be HUGE for us. We will still pay a little extra to the cards, but we would really like to focus on the car as well.

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