Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have felt pretty down today, which leads me to remember one downfall of just doing my contract work-no paid sick days. I am just plain out tired, with a headache and nausea. I am cooking a tenderloin roast for DH's dinner, and the smell is making me so nauseous! I am irritated with myself because I have not done as much work as I wanted to today. I think I am going to go try and eat something, take a nice long nap, and try to do some more work when DH gets home. It's my goal to be done with work when he is home, but that just won't work some days. He has a new game for his PS3 that he can play while I work, so I know he won't mind that! I just let myself get so down when things don't always go as planned, but I have to stop that. I need to learn to go with the flow and adapt when things don't always go my way.
I have my snack (Salt and Vinegar chips-so nutritious! Sorry baby), and I am just thinking about our goals for the rest of the year. Here are the goals I had set for the year and our current prognosis:
Financial Goals

Pay off Chase 3-1586-This card is now gone. I will continue to use this card for all expenses and pay it in full every month for rewards. This month is a struggle to pay it in full!
Pay off Chase-2190-This is at $1400. I think we can pay this off this year.
Pay off Chase 2-2353-This card is gone. Yay!
Pay off BOA 2-Now at 2142. I don't think we can pay this off this year.
Have BOA 1 card at $8000-Now at $8641. We are on track.
Have credit union card at $367-Now at $700. We will get this done.

Continue to pay student loans in a timely manner-Doing.
Pay $450 a month to my car-If I can do this, the balance will be $1777 by December 2010. I am now trying to pay this thing off completely. The balance is around $4200, so we should get this done by October.

Save $900 total in baby fund-This has been taken care of. DONE
Save $2100 total in emergency fund-have $300 (pathetic!), so $1800 more to go-We're at $100 again. I think $1000 is a more attainable goal. Sigh.
Save $630 for DH's crown in February-have $315, so $315 more to go.-Done. DH now has a new crown.:)

Leave 401 K and IRA contributions alone. If I do this, we should contribute around $8K to at least hit the $22K.-Actually increased these. Yay!

On the plus side, the car will be paid off. On the negative, BOA 2 will not be paid off and our EF will still be fairly low. Sigh. We HAVE to get out debt under $40 K by year end. We are at $47,771 right now, so $7772 to go, which is around $1295 worth of progress a month. We CAN do this.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great on your goals!! Keep it up :) And don't be too hard on yourself about the work. Being prego is hard work too! Maybe you need to build a bit more nap time into the schedule for now :)
