I have been keeping an eye on airfare from our city to Miami, in hopes that they would drop and we could fly instead of driving to Miami. It is a thirteen hour drive, but it would have saved us about $300 over flying. Well I don't know what happened, but flights dropped a ton this weekend! Including the baggage fees and everything, flying will now only be $135 more expensive than driving. Our cutoff point was $200 more expensive, so I just booked our flights. I am so happy we don't have to spend 26 total hours in a car for this trip.
I had planned on paying all cruise expenses in May, but booking the flight now kind of threw the budget plans off. I think I'll just use some of the extra I would have used for debt to pay the flight, and in May, just take the money that would have been for traveling and send it to the card company.
I am still waiting on our state refund, as well as the EOB for DH's crown. As soon as I get the EOB, I can get reimbursed from my FSA. Between the state refund and the FSA reimbursement, that will be about $650. I will use $191 to pay our federal taxes, then send the remaining $459 to either Chase or maybe the car loan. I am leaning towards the car loan, since I already have plans to get the Chases paid off.
Our toilet had three parts break this weekend. My handy DH was able to fix it himself with $20 worth of parts from Lowes. I bought the cutest dress from Target this weekend for $20. Not an intended purchase, and definitely not thrifty, for sure, but I LOVE it. I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can wear it.
I forgot to weigh in today, so I will use tomorrow's weight to determine how much weight I lost in February. As soon as DH wakes up, we are going to work out. I have been trying to only weigh in twice a week instead of every day, but it's hard. I love stepping on the scale, even more so, when I get a nice number.
I've been bad about working out this week! Urgh!!